Publisher:Colorado District Attorneys' Council

Important Note:

If you do not already have both Microsoft .NET 4.8 & .NET 3.5 sp1  Installed on your pc:

·         Make sure you have Admin right on your pc.

·         Click on the install button and follow the steps to install .NET 4.8

·         If Action fails to run after installation.  Please restart your PC as the installation may require a restart to take effect.  After restart, browse to this page again and click on launch.

The following prerequisites are required:
  • Windows Installer 3.1
  • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
  • .NET Framework 4.8
  • Microsoft Visual Basic PowerPacks 10.0
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Report Viewer
If these components are already installed, you can launch the application now. Otherwise, click the button below to install the prerequisites and run the application.
Colorado District Attorneys' Council Customer Support    ::    ClickOnce and .NET Framework Resources